Holy Week & Pascha at St. Aidan’s, Cranbrook, BC -2018

Cranbrook orthodox church

Photos from the celebration of holy week and Pascha at St Aidan of Lindisfarne Orthodox Church in Cranbrook, BC.

Cranbrook orthodox church shroud_2018 pascha_procession_inchurch_2018 let_god_arise_petals late_pascha_night holy_saturday_entrance_prayers dn_kurt_with_paschal_candle dn_kurt_censing come_to_the_light christ_is_risen_2018 candlelight_zeke_2018 balcony_view_paschal_candels 2018_psalm_119_lamintations 12th_gospel_candle 12_gospel_readings_2018 Orthodox church, cranbrook, bc guitar_dn_paul

orthodox church cranbrook bc shroud_censing shroud_light_2018 shroud_proskomedia_startCredit for many of the photos to Diakonissa Victoria Jordan.