Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple

Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple,       Sun. Nov.21, 2021      

Festal Troparion (4th Tone) “Today is the prelude of the good will of God,…of the preaching of the salvation of mankind. The Virgin appears in the temple of God,…In anticipation proclaiming Christ to all. …Let us rejoice and sing to her: Rejoice O Fulfillment,…of the Creator’s dispensation!”

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Today’s festal Troparion shows us that this wonderful feast of the “Entrance of the Holy Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary into the Temple,” has it’s origin not simply as one of the ancient feast days of the church – although this is certainly the case, with records indicating it was already celebrated by the Church in the early 4th century – but this event, ushering in the beginning of Christ’s arrival, was anticipated from the very beginning of Genesis. The blessed Virgin’s birth was being prepared through every generation since the time of Adam and Eve. After Cain killed his brother Able, we see Eve give birth to a new son – Seth. A type of Christ. Seth means resurrected. We hear Eve exclaim (Gen. 4:25,26) “God has appointed another seed for me instead of Abel whom Cain killed.” Seth’s son Enosh “hoped in the Lord God and called on His name.” This linage goes through to King David and down to Joakim and Anna, until she whom the prophets and holy ones of God had been wondrously anticipating, Mary, the birth giver of God arrives.

We don’t have a great amount of detail in the scriptures regarding the story of Joachim and Anna and the birth of the Theotokos. But the earliest church tradition, from such sources as the Proto Evangelium of James and other very early and respected writings tell us that they were past the age of childbearing, probably in their 70’s. Being barren was considered to be a great curse of God in the time of Christ. Joachim was a wealthy and God loving Shepherd with substantial flocks of sheep We are told that Joachim would divide his income in thirds with 1/3 going to the poor and needy, 1/3 to the temple and the final 1/3 he would keep and live on. When he went to give his sacrifice at the temple, the High Priest scorned him as he was childless and would not accept his sacrifice. Joachim left in shame, and when crying out to God in despair was visited by the Archangel Gabriel and told that they would have a child. Anna his wife was visited at the same time by the Archangel with the same incredible news. And what a child! The precious Theotokos whom all of mankind had been waiting for.

Today we rejoice as we see the most-pure little 3-year-old Mary skipping up the 15 large stairs of ascent and being ushered into the very Holy of Holies by the high priest. Into the most sacred part of the Temple where no-one was allowed except the high priest after strict preparation. What can this mean? The Holy of Holies, full of the glory of God, is a type, a foreshadowing of the most blessed birthgiver of God, she who been spoken of by the prophets to be the reality of the type. She is the true Holy of Holies. The most blessed virgin will contain in her womb that which all of heaven can not contain. God Himself will come and take His entire humanity, His very human flesh, from this most-pure ever virgin Mary. The most blessed mother of our God! She who is now seated in her full humanity at the right hand of her Son Jesus Christ, beside He who is seated in the very throne of heaven in His humanity which He assumed from her.

We always hear the familiar Gospel from Luke 10 and 11 on the feasts of the Theotokos. Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus doing the one thing needful – keeping her eyes and attention on Christ, and Martha working away serving, and feeling sorry for herself. Serving is not the problem here, it is Martha’s attitude. Serving with joy and being grateful for the opportunity, for the privilege of serving Christ, is always a blessing. Serving with frustration and an overdeveloped sense of duty, complaining, and judging those not measuring up or helping enough – in our misguided opinion – is always a problem. Mary, Martha’s sister was simply focusing of being with Christ as completely as she could. This is never a problem, but as Christ says is “the one thing needful.” Mary the Mother of God always perfectly kept her eyes and heart fully attuned to her Son and her Lord, and more completely than any other fulfilled “the one thing needful”.

In the second part of this familiar scripture we hear: “Blessed is the womb which bore You, and the breasts which nursed You.” Christ replies: “More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it.” Why was the Blessed Virgin Mary chosen to have the incomprehensible privilege of nurturing within her womb; Him whom all of heaven could not contain; Giving life to Him who is the very source of life to her and to all of mankind. The Creator of all, dwelt in Mary’s womb and nursed from her breasts. Christ answers the woman from the crowd with the reason WHY – with the reason that the precious ever-virgin Mary, is granted this most privileged of all roles in the plan of human salvation. “Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it.” Never in human history has anyone more perfectly heard the word of God & kept it. Our pathetic efforts pale under the brilliant illumination and perfection of the sweet humble acceptance of Mary, the Mother of our God. “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be done to me according to Your word” … “Whatever He says to you, do it.” She is the very fountain of wisdom, the new Eve who fulfils her blessed role, bringing life to all!

The blessed virgin Mary accepted with grace and humility to be the very gate, the portal, of our salvation; to allow her womb to be the throne of God. She, like all of mankind had complete free will, she had a choice. God works His salvation for each of us only in cooperation with us. None have ever more perfectly heard the word of God and kept it. Blessed indeed is Mary, beyond any who have ever been born – before or since. More honourable and beyond compare than even the Cherubim and the Seraphim. She gave birth to God Himself! None born of the human race that are on the same level of honour as the Theotokos. Today we rejoice with Joachim and Anna and all of heaven and earth at her birth.

Let us take refuge under the shelter of the most holy and most pure mother of God and through her prayers may we ever draw nearer to Christ, our King and our God.

With the Feast!