Virtual Assembly held by the Archdiocese of Canada, Orthodox Church in America

Don’t forget to mark this event in your calendar! We are having a virtual meeting with the entire Canadian Diocese of the OCA with 3 guest speakers on the topic of Pastoral care and the pandemic, and with a virtual “meet the Archbishop Iréneé and the entire Canadian Archdiocese council” to follow. Anyone in the church or wishing to check out the church is invited. Please do plan to attend and send this link to anyone else you think may be interested.

To join us tomorrow Sat. Dec.11 at 11:00am MST click on this link:


  1. Opening Prayer and Introduction
  2. “Orthodox Church and Pandemic”
    Rev Fr. Vasileios Thermos (Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and Theologian)
    (30 minutes)
  3. “Mental Health of Youth During the Pandemic”
    Dr. Lila Amirali (Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist) (20 minutes)
  4. “Archdiocese of Canada: Achievements and Challenges”
    Prof. Dr. John Hadjinicolaou (20 minutes)
  5. Round Table Discussion
    His Eminence Archbishop Irénée, speakers, participants, and the Archdiocesan
    Council (1 hour)

Click on this link to find out more . . . . .