10 Days until Theophany!

Theophany means Divine Appearance. In Icons of the Theophany we see the appearance of the Holy Trinity. It is easy to find God the Son, He is Jesus who is being baptised. A half-circle showing heaven represents God the Father and the Holy Spirit appears as a Dove.

To read a PDF of the Theophany Icon explained, click here: https://82c0e4fc-8e92-44c3-8f81-18c79b7b60ae.filesusr.com/ugd/2121a6_4e2c4f055931444099ae55cf52668455.pdf

For a coloring page of the Theophany Icon, click here: https://82c0e4fc-8e92-44c3-8f81-18c79b7b60ae.filesusr.com/ugd/2121a6_25fd8354dd82491f9c27215773e5d0e3.pdf

picture: OCA