Christmas Service Times

Glorify Him!!…………………………May all the blessings of the Nativity season be with you all!

Join us on Tuesday, Dec. 27 at 4pm when we will have an Akathist service to Archdeacon/Protomartyr St. Stephen on his Feast Day.

St. Stephen was the eldest of seven deacons appointed by the apostles themselves, and the first Christian martyr.

Rejoice, first martyr of the Holy Martyrs!

Rejoice, Godly lamb of the Lamb of God!

Rejoice, Holy Apostle of Jesus Christ!

Rejoice, true Israelite of the New Jerusalem!

Rejoice, first deacon of the One Holy Church!

Rejoice, intercessor for all mankind!

Rejoice, Holy Saint Stephen, Protomartyr of Christ’s Holy


from today’s Akathist:

We started off our Christmas services with the Royal Hours of the Nativity on Friday, Dec. 23 at 10am.

Our Christmas Evening service (Compline/Litiya, Matins of the Nativity our Lord) started at 4:00pm on Saturday Dec. 24.

Christmas Day Divine Liturgy Feast of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ was at 9:00am Sunday Dec. 25.

We did not have our typical pot-luck right after Liturgy on the 25th, as many had family gatherings they want to get back for.

We learned that the local DQ was not able to host their annual Christmas Dinner this year so our church hosted a Christmas dinner on Sunday Dec 25 at the church hall from 12:30 – 3pm.

Some photos from our Community Christmas Day Dinner, taken from Facebook. We served a turkey and ham dinner to 60 guests, and participants were able to choose small wrapped packages from the gift table. Most of the food was donated by the Food Bank for people who couldn’t cook turkeys, etc (travelers in hotels, no kitchen to cook in, that sort of thing). Thank you to all who helped make this day special!