St. Aidan’s Walkers

As part of Lenten almsgiving, we had the opportunity to participate in the Coldest Night of the Year on February 25th – a Canada-wide winter walk fundraiser that supports the hungry, homeless, and hurting in practical, meaningful ways. We were walking for Community Connections here in Cranbrook.

Watch the video ‘The Will to Change’ as three Cranbrook residents tell their stories of homelessness. Join our fundraising team and donate at to help Cranbook today!

Canada-wide we raised over $12.3 million and donations are still coming in! Cranbrook raised $46,081 for Community Connections. Big thanks to those who supported the St. Aidans Walkers, one of 23 Cranbrook teams who participated! CNOY is accepting donations until March 31st for those of you who still want to support Community Connections – because ‘it’s cold out there!’

Community Connections is a wonderful organization that not only contributed funds for the purchase of our church, the elevator addition, and our Breakfast Program, but also provides integrated, accessible social services to individuals and families throughout the East Kootenay Region. Programs include the Cranbrook Women’s Resource Center, Traveling Poverty Advocate Program, Homeless Outreach and Prevention, Better at Home Senior Program, Community Partner (Legal Aid), East Kootenay Supported Child Development, and the Infant Development, Friends of Children and the Early Years Programs.

We had some fun while we raised money – Rebecca, the team captain, decorated her face every time she donated and then wore all of the decorations until after the walk was complete. Each time our team got a new member, she will made a donation and added a sticker to her face. Every time our team reached its fundraising goal, she added another $400 to the goal and added a hair accessory. (we exceeded our original $400 goal so Rebecca added another $400 and a hair accessory).

You can continue to donate to our fundraising account until March 31st as easily as clicking St. Aidan’s Walkers – give securely online using credit card or Paypal, and you’ll receive a charitable receipt immediately. Or, e-transfer the money to (note CNOY and the name of the walker you are supporting and include your contact information for a charitable tax receipt.) – either way, your donation will make a huge difference in the lives of those who benefit from Community Connection’s services.

Let us know if you have any questions at

Cranbrook BC Image: