New Books!

New to the St. Aidan Orthodox Church Library – this is just one of several new books.

This book traces the historical development of feminism from an Orthodox Perspective. It outlines its basic assumptions and beliefs, assesses its contributions, and offers an Orthodox critique to the feminist platform. Most importantly, it offers thoughts for an alternative approach, namely the ideal of Christian womanhood, as found in the tradition of the Church.

“a woman again is honored and proclaimed victorious! Again are we men put to shame. Or rather, we are not put to shame only, but have even an honor conferred upon us. For an honor we have, in that there are such women among us, but we are put to shame, in that we men are left so far behind by them. For the women of those days were more spirited than lions, sharing with the Apostles their labors for the Gospel’s sake.” -St. John Chrysostom